More than just cute pet videos

We strive to be as honest as possible with our experiences,
both good and bad, to help you.

how it all started!

We always knew we want to raise our family alongside pets! To ensure our animals could get along better, we decided to get a cat and a Samoyed puppy around the same time.

Irene's mom actually gave the idea of making a YouTube channel for our pets. We loved showing how cute and fluffy our pets are, but we also wanted to do more than that. From the very beginning, we wanted to show the joys and struggles with raising a cat and a Samoyed, provide instructions and review on pet products, and ultimately, to help other pet owners experiencing the same issues we faced.

Believe us, raising a pet can be much more difficult than it looks, and can cause major strain in relationships. But we've learned and strongly believe that all cats and dogs can be happy, healthy, and obedient with time, patience, and the right structure. We hope we can be helpful and an encouragement to you!

Theo (formerly known as "Cheesecake") grew up as a community cat who spent the first year of his life living in someone's backyard alongside his mom and littermates. When feral a Tom-cat started threatening Theo and his family, the homeowner brought them into the shelter for safety. Two months later, Eric noticed a fluffy cat hiding in the corner shelf of the shelter, and it was love at first sight. 

Theo can still be a shy at times, but he's definitely gotten more confident. He's also pretty vocal, especially when he sees a bird outside or has the zoomies!





Olaf was from a Samoyed breeder in Salinas, CA. We were given the choice between two male pups, and we loved how fluffy and (deceptively) calm Olaf was!

We soon learned how reactive and vocal Olaf can be - from demand barking for things, to barking at anything and everything that moved. With lots of patience and some private 1:1 training, we've been able to build our relationship with Olaf and improve his behavior.

My Favorite Things

Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.

Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.

my guilty pleasure

Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical.

Our Values

We provide our honest opinion without the 'fluff' (pun intended) when it comes to product reviews and pet advice.


We show you the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to raising our own pets.


We love connecting with fellow pet owners like yourself and building relationships :)



social media mahm-ager

Eric is a video editor by trade and the one usually recording the videos for our YouTube channel or taking photos with his fancy camera. When he's not editing videos, he's usually writing, reading, or watching movies.

Fun fact: Eric is Olaf's favorite person!

Video editor


Meet the Humans

Irene is the one who creates content for Theo and Olaf on their social media accounts (outside of YouTube). She works as a frontend software engineer, but also does watercolor and calligraphy on the side. 

Fun fact: Irene is Theo's favorite person!

let's work together

If you're interested in collaborating with us, please shoot us a message! Note that we only promote brands that we truly believe in and will use.

did we just become best friends?